On March 4, 2022, West Virginia became the 18th state to pass the Convention of States resolution! whoo hoo! This is great news for those who wish to see our federal government reined in from reckless behavior which steers America into ever expanding debt and unrestrained power. The fact that we are STILL in a state-of-emergency after 2 years of the pandemic (even though c19 is over) should tell the average Joe that maybe our government enjoys having limitless power over us.
This is where the national movement of calling for a Convention of States (COS) comes in. Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives the states power to call for a convention of the states, in order to propose amendments to the Constitution. It takes 34 states to call for a convention and 38 states to ratify any amendments proposed. This is a national movement that is spreading like wildfire because WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with the overreach of federal power in our lives.
There are just 3 elements being proposed to rein in our federal government: 1) Impose fiscal restraints, 2) Limit its power and jurisdiction and 3) Impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress. I interviewed state delegate, Tom Fast, to learn more in Episode 2 of Beacon News West Virginia.
If you would like to sign the petition and follow this national movements, visit the COS website here.