The soft notes emanating from her breath into the Jamboxx seemed to usher a calm in her spirit. Her face, in a moment of respite from the nearly constant sporadic movement from cerebral palsy, stands in stark contrast to the other videos posted to social media, presumably with the help of her family.
The teenage girl, Mara Jean LeRoy, has a clear complexion in this video because it was prior to beginning testosterone in order to medically transition this daughter to a son… or, at least, to the male persona embraced by radical gender ideologues. Mara, of Minneapolis, MN is now 19 years old, and goes by Micah, “Mike” LeRoy and uses he/him pronouns.
It isn’t clear how Mara communicated to her parents that she wanted to undergo medical transition, as the videos posted to the trans activist Instagram account under the user name “disabled_trans_boy” would indicate she is non-verbal. However, as Sarah Fields was first to report the story and followed up by Andy Ngo, a text-to-voice device is used by her to communicate.
Following Mara’s story on the public Instagram account, one can mark the start of acne and her voice deepening because of the cross-sex hormones she was taking. One wonders exactly what this young girl was going through internally, the maturity of her cognitive function and how much of her mother’s trans and pride based activism promoted her journey towards medical transition.
On December 20, 2024, Mara appears in another video on the IG account, lying in a hospital bed with pink and yellow tousled hair clinging to her forehead. She is waiting to be taken back for surgery, an elective double mastectomy. Exactly how a wheelchair bound girl with cerebral palsy and epilepsy can understand the nature of what was about to be done to her body, let alone understanding the risks and consenting to that, has caused outrage among the millions who became aware of it.
The post-op video with trademark “top surgery” scars from the double mastectomy went viral last week, sparking outrage. Some people claimed the social media exposure and surgical procedures constitute child abuse by the parents as well as the physician.
Less than a decade ago, most American physicians would tell you it was unethical to remove a health body part and yet those who still believe in the philosophy dictated by the Hippocratic Oath, are reluctant to speak openly about it. Why? They are fearful of being ostracized or subject to investigation by their medical boards for appearing “non-inclusive and bigoted”; the favorite watch words used by organizations such as the ACLU, the Human Rights Campaign and GLMA who actively bring litigation against physicians they deem to be antagonistic in providing healthcare for “transgender” youth.
The story of Mara Jean LeRoy becoming “Mike” LeRoy is much larger than the heartbreaking timeline made visible to the public by social media. The scope is wider than witnessing the transformation of a wispy blonde haired little girl in wheelchair to the surgically scarred, bare chested, masculine looking person with dystonia in a wheelchair …displayed online for the consumption of millions.
The story bears witness to something wicked and grotesque that makes decent people shocked, ill and angry. Seeing a young woman with disabilities being filmed partially nude after her mastectomy in order to be celebrated by an ideology that rejects sacredness is a devilish shriek of a sick nation.
Nearly eighty years ago, in the fall of 1945, the world turned its attention to an international tribunal created to address exactly that— the reverence for human life and the perversion of the Hippocratic Oath.
The International Military Tribunal was formed from the four allied powers after World War II in order to hold Nazi Germany leaders accountable for their atrocities, including scientific experimentation on human beings. The Nuremberg Trials was the first of its kind; the outcomes of which defined the rights of human beings undergoing experimental medical treatments in the form of the Nuremberg Code.
The concept of “crimes against humanity” was born during the Nuremberg Trials and has become a pillar of international law. Prior to Nuremberg, the deliberate abuses of a country’s own citizens were considered beyond the reach of international law; the Nuremberg Trials changed that.
Crimes against humanity was defined by Article 6 and included the phrases “any civilian population”, “before or during the war”, and most strikingly, “whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.” This gave the tribunal teeth to impose a moral standard on those populations under scrutiny.
Informed consent, that pillar of western medicine, was born out of the Doctors’ Trial at Nuremberg and embodied in the Nuremberg Code. These principles continue to inform the doctor-patient relationship to this day, or at least, it should. It provides for the protection of the patient’s human rights to understand the nature of experimental medical treatments, to understand the risks vs. benefits and to have the legal capacity to give voluntary consent without duress, coercion or fraud. The subject of experimental medicine must be permitted an “enlightened consent”, in the words of Leo Alexander, American physician (German born of a Jewish family) who served a central role for the prosecution at Nuremberg in 1947.
One may wonder at the capacity a disabled teenager has to understand elective surgery to have her healthy breasts removed or the testosterone she received while in high school. Did she have the capacity to understand that her voice would deepen? That she would develop acne and facial hair? Did anyone explain to her or her caregivers that she may experience anger, aggression, mood swings and/or depression as a result? And if it was explained, did she -the patient- have the capacity to understand these risks? And this is aside from the shameless parading of her ‘trans-journey’ on social media.
If there is a silver lining to the blatant exposure, it is perhaps to awaken the conscience of a nation to the reality that ethical standards in medicine are the casualty in a war between greed in the name of progressivism and an oath taken to recognize and protect the sanctity of human life.
On the eve of a new administration in America, one that promotes the dignity of life, affirms the reality of male and female as the only two genders and the promise of safeguarding America’s children from the wicked cult of gender ideology, we wait with anticipation the renewal of moral clarity on the world stage.