I'm going to confess something straight up: I didn't know we had teenage Republicans in West Virginia. Well...ok,..maybe that's a bit of a stretch. I do know quite a few who've been chastised at school for wearing a Trump hat or mask. Let me put it this way, I didn't know we had outspoken and informed teenage Republicans in public schools in West Virginia.
Enter my new friend, Sherrill Patrick, who told me that we actually have several political clubs in our high schools and the Republican Club in Putnam County is growing! Her grandson is part of this expanding organization and so, I asked to meet him and learn more of his story.
Take a moment to meet Haden Hodge in Episode 24 of Beacon News West Virginia. He's an intelligent and confident young man anchored by his faith and embodies a life of purpose. His commitment to conservative values such as the dignity and ability of the individual, equal rights for everyone, respect for the Constitution, and sound fiscal responsibility in government, is inspiring to a country weary of identity politics and Legacy media narratives.
I promise, if you're anything like me, as part of Generation X, you'll be encouraged by his love and enthusiasm for the United States of America.